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Projects to support beneficial insects in ecosystems

Who I am:

My name is Swen Steffens.

I have received my early education in Germany. I had further the opportunity to receive my academic education in Biology, Economics and History in the United States, and recently in Great Britain. My hobbies are reading, again reading, gardening and the outdoors. As a gardener, during the spring and summer months I am breeding butterflies and carrying for the solitary bees established in some bee houses. During the fall I am taking walks in the woods and I am preparing tens of red wood ants hills for the wintertime, by covering them with tree branches as protection against invasive birds.

I am convinced that a better understanding and follow up of the norms of our civilization so as of the laws of nature, could guide every person to individual actions on local level, with the purpose to revitalize our natural world.

We have to restart to learn from history and archaeological monuments, and we have to act for the sustainability of our environment by integrating our vision of living with the natural world. This path would grant us the chance to rebalance our existence and would help us to regain the understanding of the true Meaning of Life.


Butterflies and Moths

Pollination is the mission of butterflies and moths inside of ecosystems. Nevertheless, their aesthetical value for humanity is tangent to the value of artistic creations.

First butterfly and moth species evolved about 200 million years ago in times before the ascent of flowers.[1] Most butterflies have bright colors on the top of their wings, opposition eyes and filamentous antennae clubbed at the end. Nocturnal moths have wings with specific dark colors to conceal them from predators when they rest during the day. Day-flying moths are brightly colored particularly when they are toxic. Moths have feathery or filamentous antennae which are never clubbed, so as supposition eyes. Butterflies and moths use meta-morphosis, to complete their life cycle. Butterfly caterpillars construct their silk pupae from a petrified protein, while moth caterpillars wave their cocoons from silk. [2],[3],[4] There are about 20,000 butterfly species around the world. So far, 725 butterfly species are at home in the United States[5] and 71 butterflies species live in Great Britain. [6]  


How we can help Butterflies and Moths

As earlier mentioned, the global scientific review of 2019 reported, that the number of wide spread butterflies species fell on farmed land in England by 57% during the time period 2000-2009. [7],[8] Within the farmland, field strips are maintained as habitat for insects. Field margins include by definition preexisting boundary structures as grass and wildflower strips, outcropped wildlife strips, conservation headlands (crop edges) and beetle banks. [9] Already in 1998, the UK Agriculture Department implemented the Cereal Field Margin Habitat Plan under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan which “has set targets for the maintenance, restoration and improvement of 15,000 hectares of cereal field margins by the year 2010.”[10] Consequently, this plan has also improved the habitats for butterflies.

On the personal level, every individual who lives in the proximity of farmland can save hundreds of butterfly caterpillars, which usually are a food-bank for birds. If only 100,000 persons would decide to save yearly caterpillars, everyone can calculate how many butterflies could be saved every year. Within town gardens or even on apartment balconies nettles can be cultivated and protected by using suspended sheets for protection against birds. The caterpillars feed on the nettles and within 2-3 weeks they will metamorphose to pupae. The pupae can be suspended for 10 - 11 days on shelves and need only a paper sheet below them on the lower shelve. After one to two weeks the butterflies will hatch from the pupae, and within 24 hours they will dry and pump up their wings still staying in hanging position on the cocoon. That is a sacred moment for every butterfly conservationist and breeder, when young born butterflies will take up their first flying adventure and will land on the window curtains.

After another 24 hours the breeder can open the window and watch them fly away. Some butterflies will not be ready to leave and will return to sit on the window curtain for one or two more days. When the window will be opened again the butterflies will evade outside, they will dance outside the window in the sun for their observer for a few minutes and then they will fly away.

Note: Young butterflies should never be released outside by rainy or stormy weather.

Foot Notes






[4] Scott 1992, 1-300


[6] United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, “Species Lists-UKBMS,”01.28.2020,, United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, http://www/

[7] Caspar A, Hallmann.; Martin Sorg.; Eelke Jongejans,; Nick Holland,; Heinz Schwan,; Werner Stenmans,; Andreas Mueller,; Hubert Smuser,; Thomas Hoerren,; Dave Goulsom,; Hans De Kroon,;.2017, „ More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying inset biomass in protectedareas,”PloSONE,12,No.2;DOI:10.1371/journal.pomne.0185809.LastAccessedDecember10,2019,

[8]Damian, Carrington, 2019, “Plummeting insect numbers ‘threaten collapse of nature’ Exclusive: Insects could vanish within a century at current rate of decline, says global review,” The guardian, The, 19 February, 2019, Last Accessed 12.09.2019,



Solitary Bees

Bees exist since 95 Million years. Bees evolved first on the ancient continent of Gondwana, and today there are around the world 25,000 species of bees. [1] There are social bees like honeybees living in colonies and wild solitary bees propagating alone.,[2]  Bees reside in agricultural areas, urban parks, gardens, woods, woodlands and other places where enough food sources are present.[3]

In the United States, so as in the United Kingdom, there are individual initiatives so as conservancy programs to promote honeybees keeping. [4],[5]

Wild bees are a blessing for orchards and gardeners. They do not produce honey and bee wax but are professional pollinators. Solitary bees have a short life of 6 – 8 weeks in the spring, and they die after they have done their pollination job and laid the eggs for the next generation of bees.

These bees have been categorized as solitary, as in opposition to the social bees they do not practice division of labor, lack queens and worker bees.  while every female bee is fertile and inhabits the nest, she constructs by creating compartments in Wollow reeds or twigs, or in holes in wood pieces. Every compartment is destinated to an egg and pollen provisions for the resulting larva and is sealed off until through metamorphosis the young bee will emerge in the next spring. As can be seen, the adult bee does not provide care for the brood and usually dies after she constructed several nests for her eggs.

There are more than 500 species of solitary bees, and many of them are gregarious, preferring to build their individual nests in larger groups which are named aggregations, to be distinct from colonies of social bees.

Solitary bees are either stingless or even if they have a sting, they would use it in self defense only. The solitary bee species belong to distinct genera determined by their nesting behavior or preference. [6],[7] 

As very productive pollinators for orchards, gardens so as for private agriculture[8],[9],[10] there are the European orchard bees (Osmia cornuta), the blue orchard bee (Osmia lignaria), the Japanese orchard bees (Osmia cornifrons and Osmia Taurus), the carpenter bee (Xylocopa Spp) [11],[12],[13],[14],[15] and the European mason bee (Hoplitis anthocopoides).[16],[17]

How we can help Solitary Bees

As already mentioned, there have been different outlines on how to tackle the issues of decreasing insect population on the individual level.[18]

The population of solitary wild bees is important for ecosystems due to their focused pollination activities. Individuals who have gardens can support the reproduction of solitary bees in gardens and orchards by providing them solitary bee houses. [19],[20],[21]  The houses and hotels for solitary bees can be placed on fences, walls or three branches at semi-sunshine and shaded locations in the gardens. The openings of the nesting sites within the house or hotel should be pointing to the South, West or East, and should receive at least a few hours of sunshine per day. [22] Online there are multiple recommendations for establishing a bee friendly garden for social or solitary bees with specific flowers diversity and a small water source.

Hobby keepers of solitary bees are trying to attract solitary carpenter bees by placing rotten wood logs in their gardens as the European violet Carpenter bee (Xylocopa Violacea)[23]  loves these logs for nesting. The activities and reproduction cycle of carpenter bees is similar to that of all other solitary bees.  

There are many growers of bee-pollinated crops who decided to use solitary bees as pollinators. They are proceeding with a management system for their pollinating solitary bees populations following their reproduction cycle and carrying for them around the year to maintain and even grow their solitary bees population. [24]


Foot Notes

[1]Dave Goulson.2014. “The Beguiling History of Bees,” 04.25.2014, Last Accessed 12.12.2019, ; Goulson 2014, 36-45; Goulson 2014, 36-45

[2] Get to know Wild bee Hotels,”, Last Accessed 02.19.2019, https://www.the

[3], “Honey Bee,”, LastAccessed02.19.2019, https.//

[4] Bee-equipment, “Bee-equipment Our 5th Mammoth,”, Last Accessed 02.19.2019,

[5] The honey bee,“Let’s Help The bees and Reduce Hunger Together,”, Last Accessed 02.19.2019,


[7] Pennsylvania State university. 2018. “Orchard Pollination: Solitary (mason) Bees.” 03.21.2018. Pennsylvania State University. Last Accessed 01.13.2020.

[8]  Anika Maneke.; Alexandra Klein.;, 2015, “Red mason bees cannot compete with honey bees for floral resources in a cage experiment,” October 2015, Ecology and Evolution, No.5, Last Accessed 01.29.2020, https://wwww.10.1002/ece3.1762

[9] Pennsylvania State university. 2018. “Orchard Pollination: Solitary (mason) Bees.” 03.21.2018. Pennsylvania State University. Last Accessed 01.13.2020.


[11] Rachel Freeman Long, “Carpenter bees, bee-ing important pollinators,” University of California, LastAccessed02.19.2019,

[12] Rachel Freeman Long, “Carpenter bees, bee-ing important pollinators,” University of California, LastAccessed02.19.2019,

[13] “Carpenter Bees.” University of Kentucky, Last Accessed 02.19.2019,;

[14] Rachel Freeman Long, “Carpenter bees, bee-ing important pollinators,” University ofCalifornia, LastAccessed02.19.2019,

[15] Johann-Christoph Kornmilch, “WildbienenNisthilfe.NisthilfenfuerBeworhnervonHolz,“(Wildbees Nesting Aid. Nest aid for inhabitants of deadwood), LastAccessed12.12.2019,



[18] Josef Settele, “Insektenschutz in Deutschland: Wie jeder helfen kann,“ ( Protection of Insects: How everybody can help)., Focus, 10.01.2020,LastAccessed 10.02.2020, deutchland-ursachen-und-loesungsansaetze_id_19511471.html



[21] Josef Settele, “Insektenschutz in Deutschland: Wie jeder helfen kann,“ ( Protection of Insects: How everybody can help)., Focus, 10.01.2020,LastAccessed 10.02.2020, deutchland-ursachen-und-loesungsansaetze_id_19511471.html

[22], “Honey Bee,”, LastAccessed02.19.2019, https.//

[23] Johann-Christoph Kornmilch, “WildbienenNisthilfe.NisthilfenfuerBeworhnervonHolz,“(Wildbees Nesting Aid. Nest aid for inhabitants of deadwood), LastAccessed12.12.2019,

[24] Pennsylvania State university. 2018. “Orchard Pollination: Solitary (mason) Bees.” 03.21.2018. Pennsylvania State University. Last Accessed 01.13.2020.

An anthill severly damaged during clearing work in the May of 2017 in Gemay in the city of Bonn in the district of the Heiderhof.

The Ant Colonies

The first ant species evolved 120 million years ago.[1]  Ants inhabit all continents except the Arctic and Antarctic. Recently colonies of ants were trans-located to Greenland.[2] Ants have for ecosystems the role of police and of security guards so as of cleaners.[3]  An ecosystem inhabited by ants is difficult to erect and stabilize, but also difficult to destroy. When ants are establishing a new habitat their population follow the K-strategy,[4] what means that the ants will have a population close to the maximum carrying capacity of the given ecosystem. 

How we can help Ants

In the woods, ant colonies hibernate during the winter months, and have to be protected against birds by covering ant hills with tree branches of conifers. For the cases that habitats of ants are becoming construction sites, the colonies have to be trans-located inside of an ecosystem, where the ants are able to continue their very useful activities for the environment. In 2015, the German[5] Organization for the Protection of Ants (GOPA) removed by the help of its members in the German state of Bavaria 127 ant colonies out of construction sites, and relocated them to more secure places.[6] The GOPA is a voluntary association of individuals of various professional and academic backgrounds carrying out projects to preserve the European Red Wood Ants (Formica s.str). [7]


Foot Notes

[1] Josie Cox,2008, „Scientists discover 120 million year-old Ant,” ed. Mark Trevelyan,, Reuters. September 16, 2008, Last Accessed December 10, 2019,

[2] “8 Interesting Facts About Ants-There’s more to these common pest than you might think,”, Last Accessed December 10, 2019,

[3] Seifert 2007, 34

[4] Seifert 1996, 31

[5] „Deutsche Ameisenschutzwarte. Ihre Mithilfe ist gefragt.” The German Organization for the ProtectionofAnts.YourHelpisrequested).,2019.

[6] “The bayrische Ameisenfreund. Mitteilungsblatt 1/2016 der Ameiseschutzwarte Landesverband Bayern e.V. Ameisenschutzvereine Beratzhausen e.V.-Hirschberg e.V. Tirschreuth e.V..“ ( The Bavarian Antfriend. Newsletter 1/2016 of the Organization for the Protection of Ants State Association of Bavaria registered Association Beratzhausen registered Association-Hirschberg registeredAssociationHirschbergregisteredAssociationTirschreuth),2019.

[7] „Deutsche Ameisenschutzwarte. Ihre Mithilfe ist gefragt.” The German Organization for the ProtectionofAnts.YourHelpisrequested).,2019.

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